tigerpants's Diaryland Diary


Old People

Old people are very confusing. On one hand, the old people in question are my parents, and I love them, and they love me. But on the other hand, the older they get, the less they seem to get anything about me. Sometimes they even seem to think I�m behaving this way on purpose. Or that my behavior is new somehow, and therefore irritating. As though I�ve never been any kind of a smart ass before. Or a bit of a dingbat.

I�m planning this quick trip to New York. I�m going to be handing out resumes while I�m there, and hopefully doing some touristy stuff and shopping, too. As much as I can cram into the 4 days I have, basically. I have a friend that�s moving to NY who has the most freakishly excellent luck, and has managed to secure 4 weeks� severance from her old job, a new job, and a new apartment all in the last week or so. Fortunately, this is in time for me to stay with her, so I called my father today to let him know, as he was bizarrely concerned about hotel expenses while I was there. So I told him. And he was very pleased. But then he asked where the apartment was, and I told him that I�d been told it was about 30 minutes to the city by train. So then he sighs exasperatedly and says that I�m going to have to figure out how to get there from the airport, and that getting into and out of the city every day will be quite the train ride, and that he hopes the trip is worth it. Wow. I felt really bad all of a sudden, because I just didn�t know what to say. Clearly, the idea of all that work was daunting to him, but to me, well, it just doesn�t sound like much work at all. And then he gave me that old saw about young people and all their energy. I hate when I get to this point in conversations with him, because I always feel as though I�ve lost him at that point. That he�s lost his tenuous grasp on whatever nonsense I was spouting, because the last little bit was just too much gobbledygook, and his attention has now wandered. I almost always still feel like a kid when talking to my dad, rambling on about whatever latest wacky adventure I�m about to get myself into. Except the truth is that I don�t really get myself into many (or any) wacky adventures. My life is obstinately dull, refusing all pretense of excitement. I think it�s just that my dad is so old and so far removed from the life I�m living that everything beyond settling down to the same job for 40 years and getting married and being normal just sounds wacky to him. I know deep down he wishes I�d knock off all this nonsense and just be a regular person. I always get that vibe from him. Eventually, she�ll come to her senses and do what everyone else does. But until then, we should just support her. Talking to him on the phone is sometimes a huge challenge, though. I�m never quite sure how much to tell him. I really don�t want him to worry. But I also don�t want him to think I�m just sitting around doing nothing. So I try to share some stuff, but frequently, it just leaves him flummoxed.

We won�t even talk about how obsessed he is with money and money issues.

I�ve been trying to spend the last week upgrading my life a bit, so to speak. I�ve been working nights, so I�ve had the days (well, the few hours after I get up and before I go to work anyway) to piddle around with some stuff. I�ve been working on my resume, and changing the format of it completely. It�s now just a list of the shows I�ve worked on, with my job titles on the various shows. I hope that it�s a bit more straightforward. I also switched my cell phone over to a nationwide plan, so I can use the silly thing in NY or Florida and not worry about roaming. I hate roaming. I�ve also ordered a new TiVo, as the old one was threatening to die on me. It started taping all the Daily Shows, even though I had it set to only tape first run eps. When it did this, it didn�t have room to tape anything else. Also, it didn�t notice that the Stargates are starting up this week, so it wasn�t going to tape them. I think the whole point of TiVo is that I don�t have to check the To Do list every day to make sure it�s doing it�s job. So I ordered a new one, and it should be arriving soon. I hope to hook it up to my wireless network when it arrives, so that when TiVo gets off it�s lazy ass and sets up TiVoToGo for Macs, I can watch all my shows on my laptop.

In related news, I HATE it when people design software for only one platform. That�s just shitty.

In somewhat related news, I love podcasting on iTunes, and I want to have it�s little podcasting babies. Dude! Nightline on podcast! All I need now is the Daily Show and Camp Freddy Radio, and my world will be complete.

I had dinner tonight with some friends that I only get to see every once in a while, and I firmly believe that I talked entirely too much, and they maybe didn�t get a chance to get a word in edgewise. It�s a problem I have. The Chatty. I just get so excited to see people, and want to tell them everything! All at once! Without them getting to share anything! Is that so wrong?


Is it time for the new TV season to start yet? Let�s not even discuss the Emmy noms, ok? Veronica Mars was ROBBED! Robbed, I tell you.

� 2004-2005 Tigerpants Nation (Rebecca Gross)

12:22 a.m. - 2005-07-15


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