tigerpants's Diaryland Diary


An honor...

I was reading the Diarist awards nominations today, and I realized that it�s possible that I�m not doing everything I can to change the world with my online journal. That�s highly irresponsible. I mean, don�t I HAVE to be all indignant and have a cause and get behind that cause and be as obnoxious as possible? Should I be listing link after link in my blog, pointing you towards places where you, too, can make a difference? Should I be explaining to all of you the necessity of my cause, and why no one else is with me? That, in fact, EVERYONE is against me? That the public, the politicians, the media, EVERYONE, turns a deaf ear to what I personally believe is the most important issue this world has ever faced?

Or am I just describing every 19-year-old college sophomore?

The truth is that I do believe in some things. But they�re not really all that funny. They�re sad, really. And I really don�t want to bring the room down with my half-assed attempts to make you MORE AWARE. I�m just not that competent. I am, however, quite the smart ass. And if I can make your day a little bit more bearable by making you snicker, even if it�s at the expense of others, then that, ladies and gentlemen, is enough for me. For now. Just you wait until chocolate gets banned for being bad for us. My pain and anger will know no bounds.

On to the updating!

The current tally: Young Blades: 4 � Tigerpants: 0. Because I am truly at the losing end of this proposition. I�m trying to make up for it by watching Medium. This is one of those shows I assume no one�s watching because I like it. It�s actually pretty good, though, so I�m trying to get others on the bandwagon. I consider that my most redeeming quality in TV viewing. I can tell the difference between the crap shows and the good shows. I like both types, but at least I can tell the difference.

Work is going pretty well for now. I had a good day today, and got quite a bit done, which is always amazing to me. I work tomorrow night, in the edit bay, and then back to days for a couple days. It was a rough week last week, since I was still coughing nonstop and trying to make 8500 phone calls a day. I�m still coughing, but it�s slowed down quite a bit, so that�s good news. I still don�t quite have my throat back, but it�s clearly on the mend.

Last week, I�d found a fantastic fare from Florida to England, and I began feverishly planning a trip for the last couple weeks of April, but then fate took over, and the rates went back up to normal, so now I�m back to just looking for another job. The week before I returned to work, I got another check in the mail from the old employer. I was pretty surprised to see it, since I knew I�d already been paid everything I was owed. I decided it was their system just booting me out a blank check for some reason, but when I opened it up, it was a real check! For real money! I got a bonus! Isn�t that bizarre? I was so excited! I was thinking I�d spend it on the plane ticket to England, but now I can�t. So now it�s burning a hole in my pocket, and I�ve wound my way back to the iPod lust. Sigh. I can�t escape it. I did more research last night, and found a solution to one of the problems they have. The battery issues and the things freezing up are the two big problems that freak me out. I seem to have found a solution for the battery thing. Sadly, I still haven�t figured out how to deal with the freezing up, but they appear to do that in the first year, when they�re still under warranty. Anyone have any ideas?

My roommate is working on the same project I�m working on right now. She just started today. Because she and I are basically working on the same stuff, we�ll be trading off day and night shifts. So for the next few weeks, she and I will be trading off dominance of the apartment. Fun! I like having the TV to myself. I kind of do anyway, since she has a cable box in her room, but you know what I mean. Right?

I just saw a commercial for Sin City. I can�t quite tell what it�s about, but it�s got Clive Owen in it, so done deal right there. I�m sure it�s very artsy and compelling. Or not.

And here�s where I put on my Issues hat, just because I mentioned it earlier. Go to this website. Look at the row across the top � you�ll see some more sites you can visit to contribute for free. But think about literacy. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like without books. And then bookmark those sites, and visit them every day you think about it.

Thanks, all! Not the funniest update, but it happens to the best of us.

(also, techie question � anyone know why Firefox won�t recognize the copyright symbol?)

� 2004-2005 Tigerpants Nation (Rebecca Gross)

10:42 p.m. - 2005-03-21


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