tigerpants's Diaryland Diary


the new year so far

10 days into the new year, and I�m not sure what to say. Very, very little has happened, so not much new to share. It has rained here, practically nonstop, since Jan. 1, which is more bizarre than I can possibly describe. Now, I grew up in Florida. I have no real problem with the rain. I kinda like it. But seriously. It would be ok if it stopped raining for like 2 solid days so that the entire county of Los Angeles doesn�t just slide down the side of a mountain. The ground is what you could call supersaturated, and is just not able to take any more. The LA river, normally a mere trickle, is about to spill over it�s banks. And now, I�m sitting here watching Desperate Housewives, and a flood warning has been issued for Ventura county. Man, it�s just a lot of water.

I�m really hoping that the rain doesn�t hold out through next weekend. I have to work outdoors next weekend, and I�d really like to be not soaked through at the end of the day. It�s already going to be a VERY long day, and rain would just really be icing on the cake. German chocolate icing, on some cake with fruit in it. YUCK. Why do people put fruit in cake? What IS that? That�s just mean, and quite insulting to the cake. Like the cake needs help. Fruity help. Cake is darn near perfect all by itself. A lovely yellow cake with some rich chocolate frosting? Practically divine. But what exactly is German chocolate? It�s like chocolate, but with all the flavor removed. So you see where I�m going with this, right? Keep up, already!

My job has been going pretty decently so far this year. I�ve had the opportunity to do some work on my own, and have been complimented for it, which is quite lovely, and an amazing change from the standard line. I�m quite confident my department will still be laid off at the end of awards season, but hopefully, I�ll have racked up some new skills, and possibly have put together a solid reel, which will help me find a new project. This next week should be pretty insane, but it�s only one week, and I can see beyond it, which is a change for me. I�m not necessarily a pessimist or an optimist, but I do enjoy it when I know I�m thinking more clearly and positively. It�s different enough for me that I notice it.

My mom has officially called dibs on my birthday this year, which is good. Back in college, I forbade my parents from visiting me at the same time. It�s not in my best interest, let�s just say. Birthdays are a fairly big deal to my family, though, so someone always comes out for the week to visit. It�s a small competition to see who calls it first, and it�s usually Mom, while I�m home visiting for Thanksgiving. Last year, my dad decided he wanted to come out, for my 30th birthday, but it was quite a mess, so this year, my mom called dibs on January 3rd. Quite impressive. She�d wanted to take advantage of Delta�s new fares, but since it turns out they�re neither simple nor discounted, she�s still searching. On top of that, my birthday is once again prime spring break time, so the search continues. BUT, I�m glad Mom will be out, and hopefully, I can come up with something fun for us to do. She wants to go up to the wine country, but that doesn�t actually sound fun to me. But maybe I just don�t know much from wine country.

Anyway, that�s the deal for now. I wish I had more to share, but I don�t. No iPod, no big promotion, no dream guy. But it�s only been like 10 days, y�know? I�d like to think I still have some time.

� 2004-2005 Tigerpants Nation (Rebecca Gross)

9:29 p.m. - 2005-01-09


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