tigerpants's Diaryland Diary


A Cautionary Tale

I haven�t updated in a while. I apologize. I do try to keep up, but sometimes they�re all pushy and expect me to work at work. No one likes that sort of thing, but what are you going to do? Stop working? That�s going to annoy someone eventually.

So here are some things that have happened to me in the past week or so�

I saw the movie Vanity Fair. I was going to write you guys an extra-special review of the film, for your reading enjoyment. Unfortunately, the movie was most certainly not extra-special, so I�m unable to come up with anything beyond Reese Witherspoon was SO pregnant for the entire film, and perhaps many months both before and after. I read somewhere that the director was very pleased that the costumes were able to conceal her pregnancy. Yeah, um, no. They really didn�t. Because Reese didn�t have those ta-tas til she got pregnant, kids. You can�t fool me. I saw Election. And Sweet Home Alabama. And, like, EVERY OTHER MOVIE she�s ever done. Whew. Needless to say, I can�t wholeheartedly recommend it. It does, however, feature Romola Garai, star of Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights. I think that�s enough said on that subject. Thanks to M for both demanding this entry and pointing that out. I would have never gotten to see the film without you, thereby giving me nothing to rant about. Thanks!

I decided to cut my hair. I have big, shaggy curly hair, and it�s a little bit like wearing a big rug on my head. It�s fluffy, and annoying, and always doing whatever the hell it wants to do, regardless of my wishes. So I decided to show it who�s boss, and cut it off, and make it a different color. So I called my hair guy, and that�s when the betrayal happened. He MOVED. He just up and moved. Not to the Valley, mind you. To the EAST COAST. Because that�s not far away AT ALL. He went without telling me, and I feel as though I�ve been cheated on. Sigh. So now I have to just live with my hair until I decide what to do. Can I go back to the woman I used to go to before the guy? I ditched her because she always wanted to chop off my hair, and I got tired of telling her no, so I left. She was a good stylist, though, and now that I want to cut my hair off, maybe it�s the right choice. But will I have to tell her why I cheated on her? I don�t know if I can cope with that. I�m a tremendous coward. Gah.

I was able to complete a HUGE project at work, thanks to my friend C, who I was a tad bit snippy with, and I�m sorry for that. She was only trying to help, and I clearly have no clue, so I really should have asked my questions before I went and wasted a great deal of time. But it�s done now, and except for updates which will happen regularly, the mass of it is done, and that�s a relief. Now I can move on to the next painfully tedious task. Whoo. I�m so lucky.

So those are the biggies. There�s about to be a big throwdown here at my apartment building, as there�s a leak that may apparently be killing us all. The management has issues with spending money, so the tenants are considering options. Cautiously and carefully. Also, there�s this big giant hurricane heading directly for my childhood home, which is kinda freaking me out. The fam�s evacuated, but that�s all we�re certain about. Latest predictions have it making landfall about 20 miles south of my hometown, so that�s scary. Fortunately, my brother was able to postpone the closing on his new condo, which was supposed to happen Sep. 3, so that he can now evaluate the damage before finalizing the deal. Keep your fingers crossed.

Bizarre happening of the week: I picked up my new glasses on Tuesday. They gave me a schnazzy cleaning cloth to use on them. The cleaning cloth is actually a glasses-sized pouch, so I�m thinking it�s handy! I can clean with it! I can carry the glasses around in it! But then the woman says to never put my glasses in the pouch, because it�s soft, and my glasses could be hurt. So why make it a pouch? What is that? Why try to confuse me? I don�t need you people for that.

That�s it for now, kids. Have a lovely and safe holiday weekend.

� 2004 Tigerpants Nation (Rebecca Gross)

12:09 a.m. - 2004-09-03


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